The Bigger Picture specialises in key facets of the audiovisual industry, with a focus on development and production funding.

Our expertise extends to navigating diverse financing avenues, including but not limited to, European financing, production planning, European tax incentives, distribution and sales.



With over 25 years of experience in pan-European funding and co-productions, we have raised over 30 million euros for over 400 groundbreaking projects. We have the know-how you need to successfully guide you towards the right financing.

We are not simply experts in financing. We are a team of European producers with extensive ground experience, aware of the needs and difficulties of audiovisual productions.



We have a rich international network consisting of producers, sales agents, distributors, funds, and talents. We can help you build the perfect pan-European setup.

We will also introduce you to exciting projects from fellow creators. With us, your project gets the global reach it deserves.



After 25 years of successful applications and financing strategies, we have built a substantial database. This allows us to optimise applications and to better understand market trends. We evaluate and position your project according to current trends and unique selling points.

We participate in various international conferences and industry events such as Cannes, Berlin, and Venice but also C21, CPH DOX, IDFA, Series Mania, a.o.


Our commitment to delivering successful funding is reflected in our comprehensive business approach, encompassing the following key areas:


Identifying your USPs

Together, we will determine the unique selling points that set your projects apart, ensuring a distinctive edge in the competitive audiovisual landscape.


Marketing & Distribution


Development Strategies

We will make sure that your strategies position your projects for success in a realistic timeframe and cost.


International Collaborations


Financing Strategies

We will help you navigate the complex financing audiovisual landscape and increase the production value of your project.



We can elevate your presence with targeted marketing and optimised distribution strategies, ensuring your project reaches the right audiences and markets.

We will foster seamless communication and collaboration with industry professionals, navigating partnerships and connections effortlessly.


Join us on the forefront of innovation as we spearhead projects aimed at revolutionising the audiovisual landscape, driving groundbreaking developments in the industry.

Let’s engage in collaborative creativity through:

- Creative Europe’s "Innovative Tools and Business Models"

- Creative Europe's "Creative Innovation Lab"

We will guide you throughout the whole administration process of European funds. We help you use the online platform and administrate your grant agreement throughout its whole duration